Give Back
As a way of giving back to our community, we will now be donating to a different organization each quarter! We will choose a popular product from each location and a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local organization/ charity.
For two quarters (10/24-12/24), we will be donating to...
United Way of Bucks County: Bucks Knocks Out Hunger Fundraiser
10% of every purchase of the Bucks County Block Letter Campbell Crewneck will be donated to the organization at the end of the quarter!

Bucks County Block Letter Campbell Crewneck
This quarter (10/24-12/24), we will be donating to...
The Sunshine Foundation.
10% of every purchase of the Philly Arcade Font Campbell Crewneck will be donated to the organization at the end of the quarter!

Philly Arcade Font Campbell Crew
United Way of Bucks County: Bucks Knocks Out Hunger
United Way of Bucks County creates opportunities for quality education, financial stability, and good health to ensure real, lasting change for individuals and our communities. Bucks Knocks Out Hunger is a community-driven hunger fighting project that unites thousands of donors, advocates, and volunteers to fight hunger in Bucks County. It is a fundraiser for Bucks County’s food pantries, a chance to advocate for those who are hungry and food insecure, and an opportunity to volunteer to provide food to people in need. Donations to the project will continue to fight hunger throughout the upcoming year.
Bucks Knocks Out Hunger | Food Pantry Charity in Bucks County | United Way of Bucks County (
The Sunshine Foundation
Sunshine Foundation is a non-profit organization in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. However, they help children from everywhere, including Philadelphia! The foundation answers the dreams of children, ages three through eighteen, who have severe or profound physical/developmental/intellectual challenges or trauma from physical/sexual abuse, and whose families have limited income. Over 80% of all expenses of the Sunshine Foundation go directly towards granting the dreams of children served by their programs. They have answered more than 41,500 dreams for children since 1976.
Sunshine Foundation’s special dreams can be anything from a family trip, a shopping spree, or adaptive medical or therapeutic equipment!
*We have previously raised money for this foundation in our Doylestown location and help successfully fulfill a child’s dream. The Sunshine Foundation spoke to us and told us they do have kids in Philadelphia also needing help achieving their dream. So, we decided to choose this organization again to hopefully help another child this holiday season!
Sunshine Foundation - Top Rated Children's Charity
TOTAL DONATED TO DATE (Given to the Below Organizations): $3,200
- Cradles to Crayons
- The Bethesda Project
- The Bucks County Emergency Homeless Shelter
- Red Creek Wildlife Center
- The Peace Valley Nature Center
- Our Mother of Consolidation School
- A Woman's Place
- Chestnut Hills Meals on Wheals
- Sharing Excess
- The Sunshine Foundation
** NAMI (Philadelphia) was our last quarter (7/24-9/24) organization Lenape Foundation (Bucks County). The donations will be added up and given to the organizations by November.